I need to varnish this painting, as it keeps crumpling... poetic right?
But really it sucks because I actually like this piece.
I made this piece the day I was really angry, not only at myself, but at the people on my course that had been making artwork. It was more jealousy than anything, I wanted to have ideas that were just as good as theirs... but I couldn't think of anything.
Therefore, I painted myself on the toilet, which in itself seems kind of gross. However, I didn't want it to be about me, but the effect that being alone was having on me. On the toilet you are incredibly vulnerable, so, I wanted to paint a piece that was intrusive and exposed myself in my current state. How my body has molded to the edges of the seat, and my lines have combined with the toilet as if we are becoming one.
The socks are bright pink and metallic, vibrant and almost painful, yet childish and innocent. The wall around me cannot be seen, however the atmosphere is cold and rusty, like I have set myself down in an abandoned building somewhere.
I didn't mean for the paint to be so flakey, at first I was impressed that I had managed to do it, but now it's a nuisance. While moving it I managed to peel off 3% more of the actual image, that's why I'm desperate for some varnish, so that it will be sealed in and protected.
I wanted to make this image unrealistic, to morph my arms and clothing to make the image appear a bit abstract. As always, the image had to be vibrant, a mixture of blues and pinks, which I imagine to be the most saturating colors. While others may find green and yellow too much, I believe there is something in the sticky pink and thick blue I find tacky.