The Great Frog Continuum was created after being inspired by Dr. Suess and his Great Cat Continuum. I changed the animal in question as I feel as if I identify myself with a frog. I use this creature to swarm through these hoops of time, that seem to paralyze and challenge those who walk through them.
I see life this way, as a eternal challenge of shapes and grasps that we have to squeeze ourselves through. As well, we have no choice in the matter to move or not, there is only one path and we must go down it, or be trapped in the maze of time.
These hoops for me represent events in our lives as we pass through time. Some are smaller than others, and so difficult to get through.
This is my mind's way of showing struggle... sometimes we cannot understand the chaos of the problems in front of us. Therefore, turning it into something physical that we can leap through helps us to cope.
Even the size of the board and its height reflects the never-ending twists and turns of time. I used perspective to make the rings pultrude off of the board, to show the idea that what the future holding is unknown as well as possibly continuous.
In the future I will delve further in depth into the psychological and how it copes with chaos.